Church Sign

Church Sign

Monday, May 30, 2016


The Bible has a very interesting set of chapters in the book of Psalms. Chapters 120-134 are a particular section of songs that are collectively called "The Songs of Ascent". These songs were regularly sung by family groups on their way to Jerusalem for the three "Pilgrimage Feasts". They were used to direct the thoughts of those singing and hearing to the God Whom they were going to worship once they got to Jerusalem. They are called "Ascent" Psalms because in traveling to Jerusalem you always went "up" the hill to go into the city. And so the people would sing these songs to each other as they ascended to Mount Zion!

We have named this blog, "Ascent To Sunday" for the purpose of helping all of us remember that the focal point of our week is the gathering together of God's people to encourage, equip, empower and release  to world that need Jesus. This blog is to help us make Sunday that focus. In the days that follow, you will find here reminders from the past Sunday to walk in obedience to what the Scriptures told us to do on Sunday morning. You'll find preparation for the Sunday to come in the form of verses, songs, illustrations, and prayers. And each Saturday, we'll focus on one of the Songs of Ascent in order to stir our hearts toward worship on Sunday.

It is my hope that the members and attenders of Grace EFC would find this blog useful and uplifting. May God bless you in the days to come.

For His Kingdom,
Pastor Jim Augustine