Church Sign

Church Sign

Friday, March 31, 2017


Proverbs 14:9—Fools make fun of guilt, but the godly acknowledge it and seek reconciliation.
Those whom the Bible would call “fools” are people who say things like, “It’s just a little white lie…it’s no big deal,” or “There’s no harm in looking (at another woman/man),” or “I can watch/read/listen to this…it won’t affect me at all!” This verse tells us that the fool makes light of sin. They don’t see it as a big deal.

We live in a culture that does this all the time. No, scratch that…we are a people who do this all the time. It’s not the culture, it’s us. WE are the ones who wink at sin. WE are the ones who find it to be no big deal. WE are the ones who take every opportunity to call everyone else out but ourselves. And in time, we’ll pay for that.

But those who are godly, those who are true Christ-followers, they recognize their sin for what it is. They are willing to confess their sin before God AND those around them. They seek out reconciliation (that means making it right with the one you’ve offended). The end of those people’s situation is restoration of their relationships with both God and those they’ve offended.

I think sometimes we think that if we just cover it up, it won’t be a big deal. But as the song we looked at on Wednesday told us, when we’re Honest there is a much deeper level to be reached in our relationship with God and with those around us.

Comment below about a time that you screwed up and sought true forgiveness and had a relationship restored.

Think about that today, and God bless you!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Celebration—Week 11

This week, we celebrate the 70’s with two songs from that decade. The first is from the group called “The Imperials” with their song, Sail On.

The second song is from a group that was just making in big in the 70’s, Petra, with their song, Why Should the Father Bother?

Think about that today and God bless you!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

They Will Know…

The other day, a young lady had called into a radio program that was discussing the pros and cons of Christian business owners serving certain segments of the population, namely the homosexual community. In her opinion, the Christian business owner should be able to service the need of people within the homosexual community based solely on the words of Christ from John 13:35, where He says, “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Now, before I make my comments, I want to say that I agree with her on the point of Christian business people serving the needs of those within the homosexual community. For example, if I have a restaurant, I wouldn’t decline service to a homosexual, but I would serve them and try to make their dining experience the best that it could possibly be. I serve them, even though I don’t agree with their lifestyle. In context, what Jesus is saying to the disciples here is that they need to be servants to one another, because at the very beginning of the chapter, He has shown them just how to serve…by washing their feet.

Now I know that some of you are going to say, “How can you think that way?” Because I believe that we, as a Christian community, often speak loud and proud about what we disagree with instead of demonstrating our love to people. If we were to really love the homosexual, would they not see Jesus in us?

But here is where I disagree with this woman’s use of this particular verse in her argument. Jesus is not saying that the world will know we are Christians when we love homosexuals…not at all. He is saying that they will know we are Christians when we truly love EACH OTHER. That means, the world will see a difference in us because we are in unity, and our love for each other is demonstrated in how we serve each other. So remember that our love for the world around us isn’t the thing that will define us…the world loves the world. The defining attribute of love for the Christian is that love we show to each other.

What do you think? Leave a comment and tell me your understanding of the issue. We love to hear what you have to say!

Think about that today, and God bless you!

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Ascent—Week 11

John 14:1-14
“Don’t be troubled. You trust God, now trust in me. There are many rooms in my Father’s home, and I am going to prepare a place for you. If this were not so, I would tell you plainly. When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. And you know where I am going and how to get there.”

        “No, we don’t know, Lord” Thomas said. “We haven’t any idea where you are going, so how can we know the way?”

        Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. NO one can come to the Father except through me. If you had known who I am, then you would have known who my Father is. From now on you know him and have seen him!”

        Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and we will be satisfied.”

        Jesus replied, “Philip, don’t you even yet know who I am, even after all the time I have been with you? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father! So why are you asking to see him? Don’t you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words I say are not my own, but my Father who lives in me does his work through me. Just believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me. Or at least believe because of what you have seen me do.

        “The truth is, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, because the work of the Son brings glory to the Father. Yes, ask anything in my name, and I will do it!”

Think about that today! And God bless you!

Friday, March 10, 2017

The Fear of Failing—Part 2

Yesterday, we talked about the fear of failure. Today I want to talk about it again, but in light of our purpose as Christians…namely, to reconcile the world to God.

In 2 Corinthians 5, we are told about the ministry of reconciliation, and what that entails. Basically what Paul is getting at is that people are spiritual beings, not just the flesh and blood that we see walking around. Every person is to be viewed from this spiritual standpoint. When we do that, we stop seeing people as flesh and blood that is here today and gone tomorrow, but as living souls that will live forever in one of two places…heaven or hell.

When we have this perspective, we begin to realize the truth of 2 Corinthians 5:17, which says that anyone who is in Christ has become something new. We long to see this renewal in the life of everyone we come into contact with. Now here’s the interesting part of all of this: as Christ’s ambassadors (vs. 20), we have been given the message and the ministry of reconciliation (vs. 18) to share with those who are dying without Christ.

That’s a pretty huge responsibility when you get right down to it. It’s enough to make anyone fear the prospect of failing at it. But here’s the wonderful thing about this message: all we are called to do is share it. We are not called to reconcile anyone, we are called to share the message and ministry of reconciliation. We are called to show people that they can be reconciled to God…not reconcile them ourselves. The fact of the matter is that God has already done the prerequisite work of reconciliation when He sent Christ to die on the cross. That’s why when people are now “in Christ” they are a “new creation.” God does it through the work Christ already did.

So what does that mean for us? It means that we don’t have to fear failure. Let me put that another way…we should fear failing our task of sharing this message, but we shouldn’t fear that people will reject it, because some of them will. But their receptiveness is not the issue. The issue is our obedience in sharing the message of the Gospel.

So, when you think about it those terms, there really is nothing to fear!

Think about that today! And God bless you!

Share in the comments below how you seek to share this message of reconciliation with the world around you, and maybe even some of the results!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

The Fear of Failing

Most of us, in the course of our lives, feel a great fear of failure. We want to be successful, right, thought well of. But the truth of the matter is that many times that fear of failure keeps us from even trying in the first place.

The fear of failure is something that can cripple a person. It can keep them from trying to do something they really wanted to try; like start a business, start a relationship, or even share the Gospel. The fear of failure can also take someone to opposite extreme of putting so much into these things that it then becomes an obsession and other parts of their lives begin to suffer. But fear of failure is just that…FEAR. And John tells us that “the one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1 John 4:18)

Then how do we deal with fear? We rest in Jesus. We rest in His peace, and we fix our minds on Him. Philippians 4:6-7 tell us that we need to pray about those things we fear, and thank God for the things He has already done and will continue to do. Then we have been promised a peace that makes the world around us think we’re off our nut (gone crazy)…because it is “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding…” That means it seems crazy to you and to the rest of the world…it doesn’t make sense.

But here is the thing about this peace…it guards your heart (that part of you that no one else knows about…that part of you that is who you really are) AND your mind (that part of you that thinks, reasons, makes choices). So your life is protected by this peace, and your thoughts are protected by this peace. Meaning? It means that you will be okay…and that, given your circumstances of fear, won’t make any sense to anyone…not even you!

So when you find yourself on the cusp of a brand new adventure and you’re feeling a bit anxious, give prayer and thanksgiving a try. Who knows? You might find the peace you’ve always been looking for.

Tell us how you have found this peace to be real in your life in the comment section below. We always love to hear from you!

Think about that today! And God bless you!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Celebration—Week 10

It’s the end of week 10 and so here we go with a great series of hymns for you to enjoy today!

Hymn #1—

Hymn #2—

Hymn #3—

Think about that today! And God bless you!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Danger, Will Robinson (or Anyone Else)

There is a new movie out that is based on a book that many of you may have read, called The Shack. Now my point is not to tell you whether or not you should go watch this movie, but I believe that as a pastor, and as someone who takes that responsibility seriously, I need to warn you of a few things regarding it.

First of all, this book/movie has been touted a Christian movie that helps people understand and relate to God. It is also a narrative that is said by the author to discuss “the nature of the character of God.”

Two resources I want you to read and listen to. First is today’s episode of Equipped with Chris Brooks, from Moody Radio. This episode, I think, is an honest and critical look at some of the claims of this book/movie and how we as Christians should respond.

The second resource is an article by Albert Mohler. Dr. Mohler is president of Southern Theological Seminary, a part of the Southern Baptist Convention, and has some more academic arguments against this movie/book. Please take the time to read that here.

The bottom line is this; we as Christians need to be vigilant about the things we allow ourselves to read, watch and listen to. We need to think critically about the things of this world, because error and even heresy try to disguise themselves in “sheep’s clothing” as Jesus told us in Matthew 7:15. So I offer these resources as a chance for you to think and to make wise choices regarding these things.

Please know that I’ll love you no matter what you choose to do, but I wouldn’t be the pastor God wants me to be if I didn’t warn you.

Think about that today! And God bless you!

Monday, March 6, 2017

Social Media and the Norm

So, I was trolling the blog sites I usually read and I found one that I just had to share with you. It’s about the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while and I think it exaggerates the point a bit. But the truth is found somewhere in there, and I want you to think about what it might be…so…enjoy!

Think about that today! And God bless you!

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Ascent—Week 10

Luke 19:29-44
As they came to the towns of Bethpage and Bethany, on the Mount of Olives, he sent two disciples ahead. “God into that village over there,” he told them, “and as you enter it, you will see a colt tied there that has never been ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks what you are doing, just say, ‘The Lord needs it.’”

So they went and found the colt, just as Jesus had said. And sure enough, as they were untying it, the owners asked them, “Why are you untying our colt?”

And the disciples simply replied, “The Lord needs it.” So they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their garments over it for him to ride on.

Then the crowds spread out their coats on the road ahead of Jesus. As they reached the place where the road started down from the Mount of Olives, all of his followers began to shout and sing as they walked along, praising God for all the wonderful miracles they had seen.

“Bless the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest heaven!”

But some of the Pharisees among the crowd said, “Teacher, rebuke your followers for saying things like that!”

He replied, “If they kept quiet, the stones along the road would burst into cheers!”

But as they came closer to Jerusalem and Jesus saw the city ahead, he began to cry, “I wish that even today you would find the way of peace. But now it is too late, and peace is hidden from you. Before long your enemies will build ramparts against your walls and encircle you and close in on you. They will crush you to the ground, and your children with you. Your enemies will not leave a single stone in place, because you have rejected the opportunity God offered you.”

Think about that today! And God bless you!

Friday, March 3, 2017

Oh, By the Way…It’s Lenten Season

For those of you who know that word in the title, you can skip past the picture and read on. For those who don’t, let me explain. Lent, is the 40 days prior to Easter where those who feel led will “give up” or “sacrifice” or even “fast” from something of significance in their lives in order to get closer to God. Some give up red meat, some give up caffeine, and I even know one person who chose to give up Facebook for the next forty days (I know it sounds unreasonable, but they did). So that’s what Lent is.

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s talk about it. Lent sometimes gets a bad rap because we (as Protestants) don’t usually observe it as strictly as Catholics do. But we could learn a few things from those who do observe this season of introspection, and I would like to suggest a few ways in which this next 40 days (or more accurately, 38 days, by the time this article is published) might be used to do just that…help us look at ourselves and see what it is that God wants us to change.
The first suggestion I would have for you is to choose something to sacrifice over the course of the next month that will really be a sacrifice. For my family to sacrifice broadcast TV for the next month would not be a true sacrifice because we don’t have cable, or an antenna. It would also not be a sacrifice to give up eating healthy, because we’d rather not do that anyway. Think about something that you cherish that would be a true sacrifice to your Lord and Savior over the course of the next month.
Secondly, I would encourage you to make sure your sacrifice is something you can actually do. I would not suggest to anyone to give up eating for the next 40 days, as that would not be a healthy thing for someone to do if they have never fasted before. I would also not suggest someone give up driving a vehicle for Lent unless they work someplace that is only a few miles from their home or less. Make sure your sacrifice is something that you can accomplish.
Finally, I would recommend that do this with your family, or a good friend who can hold you accountable. Pray about who that might be and do your best to be honest with them when they ask you how you’re doing. Having someone to help you through the next forty days will help you be able to maintain your sacrifice.
Have you already decided what you’re giving up for Lent? Let us know in the comment section below, and we’ll be praying for you.
Think about that today! And God bless you!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Faith Steps

One of my favorite movie scenes of all time is from the film, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Go ahead and take two minutes to watch it below:

What I love about this scene is that it makes quite clear the concept of faith. Sometimes, God asks us to step out even when we don’t see the path lying there underneath us. We think we’re stepping of the cliff to fall to our death, but then God shows up and saves the day.

A number of weeks ago, I was given a copy of the movie Flywheel. This is the first movie produced by the motion picture ministry of Sherwood Pictures, and (to be honest) the production quality isn’t all that great. But the message of the movie is what stands out.

In Flywheel, a used car salesman sees his need for God in his life, and decides to change his ways from a shifty, swindling salesman, to a Christ-honoring businessman with integrity. This leads him to make some pretty bold decisions, and for the sake of not spoiling it for you, I will stop there. But suffice it to say that God shows up in some pretty unique ways when the lead character decides to do what God wants.

In the same way, there are so many things that the Bible asks us to do that we may think is not only out there, but “way” out there. Stuff like loving our enemies, or being kind to those who treat us badly make us feel as if we’re on Candid Camera (if you’re younger than 25, go ask an older person what that is). But the truth of the matter is that when we step out in faith and do those things, God will always (and I do mean always) show up.

So think about what it is that God is asking you to do today. It might be something so out there that you can’t even begin to think about doing it. But let me encourage you to do it…and watch what God does. And when He does it, would you tell us about it in the comments below. Thanks so much!

Think about that today! And God bless you!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Good News!

Hey everyone! I have some good news. I noticed that we weren't getting the comment traffic that I was hoping for, when all of a sudden, I had (in the immortal words of Smee, from the movie Hook) an apostrophe. So I went to the settings of our little blog here and noticed that I had restrictions on who could comment. Therefore I am pleased to report that the issue with the comments is now resolved and if you feel like leaving a comment right here on the blog, you can do so. Please note, however, that all comments will be screened before they are posted so that we can control any use of language that would not be fitting to a blog of this kind. Thank you so much for your patience and thank You, Lord, for helping us get the issue resolved. God bless!

Celebration—Week 9

For our celebration this week, we start the month of March. So please enjoy these Celtic selections of well-known hymns. First up is Amazing Grace by the Celtic Women:

Next up is Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring, a hymn done again, by Celtic Women. It is a beautiful classic tune. So please enjoy!

Listen to the words of these songs, and allow them to touch your soul this celebration Wednesday.

Think about that today! And God bless you!