Church Sign

Church Sign

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Are YOU Good-Part 1

What does it mean for a person to be called “good”? What is a good person? What does it take to be a good person? The world would have you believe that people, in their heart of hearts, are basically good. But is that true?

If you take a young child and place him in front of a plate of cookies and tell him/her that he/she cannot take a cookie until you get back, will they? Most would. While this isn’t quite the same thing, check out this video and ask yourself what YOU would do…

It’s interesting that goodness, in our culture is pretty much a relative thing. People would say, “Well, I’m not as good as I probably should be, but I’m not as bad as this person or that person. I’m pretty good.” But that is the problem, though, isn’t it? The person whom we compare ourselves is always going to be worse than us. We would never try and compare our goodness to someone who is better.

And therein lies the rub. The only person who matters in this equation is the person to whom we compare ourselves. But who is that person supposed to be? The truth of the matter is that the only person to whom we should be comparing ourselves is the Lord, Jesus Christ! Compared to HIM, we all fall short…even if we are able to resist the marshmallow.

Think about that! Thanks for reading, and we’ll see you on Sunday!

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