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Monday, April 3, 2017

Atheists’ Day

The story is told (and I must admit, that I do not know if it is true) of a man who was an atheist. He hated God, and everything there is to do with Him. He so desired to ridicule God that filed a protest with the powers that be to either disband all holidays relating to God (Christmas, Easter, Good Friday and the like) or begin a national holiday celebrating atheism. His crusade took him all the way to a high court in his state, and there he met a judge who really knew his Scripture.

When the atheist had presented his case before the judge, the judge looked at him straight in the face and said, “You make a very compelling argument, sir. But aren’t you forgetting that atheists already have a holiday?”

The atheist was taken aback by the statement, and puzzled, could only manage to say, “We do?”

Smiling the judge said, “Yes. April 1st. For the Bible says very clearly in Psalms 14 verse 1 that ‘The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God!”’ So, sir, you already have April Fools’ Day to celebrate your atheism. Next case!”

Now I relate that story not to get the dander up of any and all atheists, but simply to introduce this week’s topic. Far too many times, we act like fools. We may not be like the fool in Psalm 14, boldly proclaiming that there is no God. But we may act like fools in other ways. This week, we’ll look at the book of Proverbs and see what Solomon and the other authors of that book had to say about those who are foolish, and hopefully be able to avoid some of the traps that lie ahead of us this week.

So please keep reading this week as we begin our new format. We will be introducing a topic on Monday, and then on Tuesday through Friday, we will be looking at it in more detail. So thanks for reading.

Leave a comment below on how you may have “pranked” someone on April 1st!

Think about that today, and God bless you!

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