Church Sign

Church Sign

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Show Comapssion

The second challenge that we gave on Sunday was to help us open our eyes and see the need around us. We were challenged to look and see how we might show compassion to those who are all around us who need to feel the touch of Jesus. We had looked at the account of Jesus healing the leper, and also thought about the fact that this leper most likely hadn’t felt the touch of another human being for a very long time until the time that Jesus “reached out his hand and touched” him.

There are a number of people in our workplaces, our communities, our grocery stores, our Wal-Marts, and even our homes who are in need of a compassionate touch from someone who loves Jesus enough to do what He did. The touch of Jesus on that leper issued in a whole new day for the lives of those who witnessed it. In the same way, our touches could usher in a new way of thinking about Jesus, Christians and the church in the lives of the individuals that we touch.

So, will you do it? Will you take the time to “reach out and touch someone” (to borrow the tag line from the long distance company)? I will certainly try and find a way to do so. Who’s with me?

Post a comment below about a time when you reached out and touched someone.

And we will see you on Sunday!


  1. Whenever it is within our ability to do good and God presents that opportunity, we should do it. Even if we are asked to give and at the time, to us, it seems like we will be the one to come up short. God ALWAYS blesses the giving! A long time ago when we were in a really financial 'tight place', God told me to share from our supper that night with an older woman who could use some cheering up. So, on our way in to a Sunday night praise service, we stopped by and gave it to her. That evening when I went to get in the car I noticed something in the back seat of the car--someone else had left several bags of groceries (which also included some cans of the same type of what we had given). I always pray that the person who gave to us was blessed as abundantly as we were in their giving. God WANTS to bless us. We just have to be willing to be a blessing to others. Not to say that this (getting) should be our motive for giving. Our motive should always be to love as Jesus would love.

    1. Thank you for sharing. It is always awesome to see how God works those things out.
