Church Sign

Church Sign

Monday, August 29, 2016

Watch Your Mouth

"Young man! You'd better watch your mouth!"

These are the words my grandmother would say to me when I would get sassy. She had a very intensity when it came to words. She wanted to make sure that the words that we used were proper and useful. She wanted to make sure that we weren't saying things that would tear people down or make them feel less than loved.

My grandmother was right! We need to keep a careful watch on our mouths. We need to be sure that the things we say match up with the things we do. We need to make sure that the words of our mouths are useful and encouraging. We need to be sure that the things we say have value and meaning. When we speak, people should know that what they are hearing is important and wise.

My father-in-law is one of those people who doesn't say a lot. When I was a youth pastor at his church, I would attend board meetings. Many times these meetings would go by and Jack wouldn't say a word. He'd sit there and just take it all in. I remember after one such meeting I asked him why he didn't say anything. He told me, "Jim, when I sit and listen to those men speak, I agree with them, I vote with them, and they are moving in the right direction. If ever there came a time when I thought that they were not, I would speak up. But there is just no sense in repeating what everyone else is saying."

I thought about that a lot, and a few years before we left that church, a situation did come up where Dad disagreed with a direction the board wanted to go. I remember because after the meeting started, Jack spoke up and said, "I have something I'd like to address, please." Every man in that room stopped what they were doing and turned to listen to my father-in-law. Why? Because he was now going to say something important.

I want people to respond that way when I open my mouth. Unfortunately for me, I am a chatter-box. I have no off switch. So often when I speak people don't listen too much. But I thank God for those men who speak little, but when they do, it is something to think about, and something wise to consider.

Let's all strive to be those types of people.

Comment below about someone you know who doesn't talk much, but when they do it is worth listening to. And we'll see you on Sunday!

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