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Church Sign

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Taming the Tongue

I want to begin this week with a short video. Just a word of caution, though. This video doesn't start running until about 25-30 seconds into it, so if you click it and nothing happens, just wait a minute or so, and then if nothing happens, try again.

So the tongue is the topic of our messages this week. We talked a bit about it a few weeks ago, but we're coming to it again because James seems to be telling us that if we want to influence a culture that hates Christ, then we will need to manage our words with care.

So how do we tame our tongue? We need to use the bit and bridle of the Word of God. There is an interesting passage of Scripture that we will cover in detail at a later date, but in it there is this phrase: "We take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ." (2 Cor. 10:5-NIV) In James, there are three specific places where the tongue is mentioned. Here in chapter 3, in chapter 1, and again at the end of chapter 4. James wants us to be careful about what we say. So much so, that we are to be "quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry" (1:19-emphasis mine).

What these verses mean for us, taken together, is that before we open our mouths, we must learn the art of bringing our words captive and make them obedient to the will of our Heavenly Father. Before the words come out, they need to be filtered through Jesus. Would Jesus say that? Would He say it that way? Would Jesus really get angry and raise His voice here? Answering these questions helps us to bring our thoughts and our words captive to Christ so that we might be obedient sons and daughters of the King!

Comment below about a time you spoke before thinking and how it got you into trouble...and we'll see you on Sunday!

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