Church Sign

Church Sign

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Shrinking Church

The changing landscape of Christianity in America is creating some alarming statistical anomalies. For example, the numbers of those who would classify themselves as a part of the Christian “religion” continue to grow in America. Many identify as Christians simply due to the fact that they were born and grew up in what has been called a “Christian” nation. But this anomaly is one that simply isn’t true.

Here are some interesting statistics. Nearly nine in ten Americans (88%) actually own a copy of the Scriptures. 80% of people surveyed identify the Bible as sacred literature. However, we continue to see the morality of our culture in rapid decline. Why is this? I believe that it is because while many own a copy of the Scriptures and believe it to be sacred, very few actually read it and even fewer actually follow it.

Here’s the point. Our churches are in decline…there’s no way around that. Oh, your attendance may be up, you may have lots of programs and people are wlaking through your doors day in and day out, but what is the real impact of what you are doing? Are you touching people where they live? Are we really ministering to people where their needs are, or only where we believe them to be?

I want to challenge you today, believer, to pray and ask God these questions: “Lord, how can I make my faith active in my community? How can touch the lives of those around me so that they would be drawn to You? And how can most effectively stand for truth in the midst of a culture bent on crowding You out?”

When we honestly and faithfully answer these questions, we will see that God’s desire for us is more than just calling ourselves “Christian.” He wants to actually be like Christ. No more role-playing, but actual living, breathing, authentic Christianity. And I promise you, that when these things become the common way of thinking within the church, we are going to see God move in mighty ways to bring the lost back to Himself.

I hope you take the time to pray those questions today, and I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

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