Church Sign

Church Sign

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Ask Believing

On Sunday, we challenged each other to seek God when we need wisdom. We talked about what that means, and the fact that God (through James) told us that He is not stingy when it comes to giving the wisdom we need...especially when we ask with a heart that believes He will answer.

I remember a time that my father promised to do something with me on a certain day. I looked forward to that day because we had not done anything together for quite a while. When that day came, I knew that my father would be there when he promised and that there wouldn't be anything that would keep him form spending that time with me.

When the Heavenly Father makes a promise to His kids, He is always going to keep it. There is nothing in this world that will ever separate us from His love and goodness. So, we need to make sure that all of our asking for wisdom is with the confidence that God will honor His promise to give it to us.

But where do we find God's wisdom? There are a number of ways that we can gain God's wisdom. We can find God's wisdom in the teaching of those who speak for God. I'm speaking here of pastors and teachers who love God and know Him well. Many of us listen to Christian radio where we hear truth from God through men and women who know God and His Word.

Another way is through fellow Christians who have experienced the things we are going through. Many times the perspective of others can give us wisdom from God.

But the best place (and the place we should always start and end) is with God's Word. If a teacher, friend or preacher says anything that is contrary to the written Word of God, we should reject it. It is the Scripture that is the final authority for our life and doctrine. It the Scriptures that we should always begin with and return to when making wise decisions.

So believe that God will and has given you the wisdom you need. And then move forward with confidence!

Please feel free to ask a question or comment below. And we'll see you Sunday!

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