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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Do Not Love the World

This week we look at God. We look at God as the author of the good things that happen in our lives. We will also look at where temptation comes from. So in the days leading up to our ascent into Sunday, we will talk about two things: the world and the new man.

Before we begin, please read 1 John 2:15-17.

As we look at these verses, there are several things that come out here. I want to touch on three today.

1) Love for the world is hatred toward God. No please don't misinterpret what John is saying here. He is not saying that we should not love the people of the world (Jesus said that God so loved the world in John 3:16). This love of the world is a love of the things in the world. It is a love of the way that the world works and solves problems. It is a love that seeks to set the world as the final authority rather than God. A love for the world in this sense is akin to idolatry and we all know what God thinks about that.

But we are called to not love the world. We are called to love God, and His ways are diametrically opposed to the way the world handles the same problems. God doesn't want His children to make themselves at home in this world. He calls us to be separate, set apart, or holy. "Be holy because I am holy." He told the nation of Israel and the church through Peter (1 Peter 1:16).

2) The world's desires are contrary to the desires of God. Notice the list of things that are "of the world" in 1 John 2:16.

The Lust of the Eyes: This is everything that we set before our eyes that we could desire over God. Normally we think of things like coveting things and power or position when we think of this particular lust, but it could also be craving things to be different in a relationship, or even in one's church. These are things that we must avoid. It comes down to contentedness, and we need to be content if we are going to be holy.

The Lust of the Flesh: This desiring to fulfill our body's need for those things that expressly forbidden in the Scriptures. Things like sex outside of marriage, allowing ourselves to be focused on someone else besides our spouse, or even flirtation with another person who is not our spouse. It can also include sins like gluttony and being too focused on our appearances. We must avoid these kinds of things if we are going to be holy as well.

And finally, The Pride of Life: These are all the things in this life that cause us to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to think. We are called to be humble like Jesus (Philippians 2) and when we choose to puff ourselves up, we give in to the Pride of Life. If we are going to be holy as God wants us to, then we need to give up anything that might be considered pride...even our false humility.

3) Those who do God's will will live forever. The world and its desires are going to pass. God's will and those who do God's will are going to live for eternity. I want to be one of those people, and I know you do to.

Thanks for reading the blog today. I know it was long, but keep on reading and following us. And feel free to comment below. And we'll see you Sunday!

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