Church Sign

Church Sign

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


Today I want to remind you that temptation is real. I love that I have so many kids because I get to watch kids shows and not feel guilty about it (insert laugh track here).

But one of my favorites is VeggieTales. If you've never seen it, first off, where have you been, and secondly, it's amazingly well written and funny. But what I love are the teachable things that are found in these shows that I am able to draw out and share with all of my kids (even my older ones).

Take, for example, Larryboy and the Bad Apple. Take a look at the clip below where Petunia Rhubarb is being "tempted" to forget about her job to play video games by the Bad Apple. When you're done, continue reading, because I want to make a point...

Here's what I want you to notice about this clip. Now I know it's a VeggieTales show, and not the Bible, but I love what they've done here. You will notice that the Bad Apple wants to come into their home/trailer. But she can't come in until she's invited. She didn't come in to get Petunia until Petunia told her to come in. And the web was disguised as something they desired, and when she "walked right on in", she was caught.

Now to the point I want to make. Temptation, while it comes from inside of us, is a tricky little thing. It says, "What's the problem? You deserve to be happy, to take a break, to compromise just a bit." But once it has you, you're caught. There isn't anywhere you can go to find freedom, except from Jesus. In this story, it took Larryboy and others to help those caught in their temptations to get away from them. And when that happened, temptation was no longer an issue.

So, as you look at your list of those things that tempt you to be discontented with the things that God has given you, how are you going to flee these things? It may take some drastic measures on your part, but whatever it is you have to do, do it. It will be well worth it!

Please feel free to leave a comment below. Or if you want to ask a question, feel free to do that, too! And we'll see you Sunday!

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