Church Sign

Church Sign

Monday, September 26, 2016


Yesterday, we were challenged to make sure that we were keeping God as enough in our lives; that HE was enough for us, and that even if all else was taken away from us, we would still rejoice because HE was enough.

I got to thinking about this last night as I was trying to sleep, remembering that I hadn't set up a blog post for today, and really trying to make sure that in my life, God was enough for me. I then got to thinking about my day, and how I really spent the day doing things at the house, getting it ready to move in and such (for those who don't know, we bought a house at the beginning of the month and have been working hard to get it ready to move in by November 1st). As I worked, I realized that I hadn't thought of football at all for the whole time I was working. I was just working and singing and thinking. Then I got home and got ready for dinner, and my son asked me who won the game. I told him I hadn't a clue. God seems to be taking my passion for football and transferring it into a love for my family and for Him.

It's interesting that when we ask God to do something for us (like keep Him first in everything we do, or ask Him to be enough for us), He is more than willing to make it happen. When we pray according to His will, He delights in answering those prayers. When we pray, "Lord, help me put You first." He is right there to answer that prayer, because He wants to be first.

I guess I share all of this because I believe that when we ask Him according to His will, not only does He hear us, but He will answer, and that should be enough.

We'll see you on Sunday!

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