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Friday, September 9, 2016

What Submission Looks Like

I wanted to post today about the qualities of submission, what it looks like in every day living, and how we can be submissive to the will of God in our lives. But the problem is that if I write about all that, none of you need to come to church on Sunday. ;-) (Insert advertisement to make sure you attend church here.)

But what I do want to do today is help you to understand how you can know what it is that God wants you to do so that you can submit to that. The truth of the matter is that so many of us say we want to follow Jesus, but then we have no idea what it is that He wants us to do. "How can I truly know God's will for my life?" people always ask.

Well, today, you're in for a treat, because I'm going to give you a simple formula for knowing God's will for your life. It may seem oversimplified, but I think it gives us great insight into what God expects of those who follow after Him.

Romans 12:1-2

As you see from the text there are two things that we need to do to understand God's will. The first is to offer our bodies to God. That means that the physical body that we have been given by God is to be given to Him to be used for His will and His purposes. This, in and of itself, is another excellent definition of submission. The body is to be used to worship God, and it is to be acceptable to Him. This is the first step to knowing what God wants for you to do.

The second step is found in verse two, where Paul tells us to allow God to change the way we think. Did you know that there is nothing that you do in this life that doesn't first start with a thought? Aside from those things that are simply "built in" to our genetic code, like breathing or our heart beating, everything we do or say begins with a thought. This is why God so desperately wants us to change the way the we think. When this happens, God will transform us into a new person...a person who is able to do the things that He wants us to do. We do this by replacing the garbage of our minds that comes naturally to us with the truth of His Word.

And look at the end of that verse. When we do the things that God wants us to do, we will then know His will. So friends, there it is. A simple formula to knowing God's will for your life.

A) Submit your whole life to God, and
B) start thinking the way God does by reading His Word every day!

Comment below about a time you saw God's hand transform your life by helping you think differently about a certain situation. And we'll see you on Sunday!

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