Church Sign

Church Sign

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Please Don't Use That Word

Today, we begin to talk about a topic that is not on anyone's wish list to talk about. In fact, when I mention this word, you're going to be tempted to read no further, but I assure you, it would be in your best interests to do so. This word, while it is controversial today, is crucial to the survival of the Christian faith. And if we are to become all that God wants us to be, we need to not only understand what this word entails, but we need to act upon it as well.

What's the word? The word is submission, and for most of us, we don't get it. We think that submission is giving up our identity, our will, or our personality. And while some of those things may go with submission, it doesn't mean they have to. In fact, when we truly submit to God all that we have, He gives most of it back to us...only better.

Here is what is involved when it comes to submission. First we give God everything that we are. We give up our rights, we give up our wills, we give up our dreams and desires. We do this because we realize that without God, all else is worthless. We submit because we understand that without God in our lives, we have no life at all.

Jesus depicted it this way: A man went out into a field and there he found a very expensive treasure. He took that treasure and he buried it in the field so that no one else could find it. And then he went and sold everything else that he had so that he could buy that field and the treasure that was buried in it. We submit to God because we understand that HE is that treasure. We go out and give up all that we have so that we can have HIM!

My friends, that is submission. That it what it means to submit to God and to allow Him to have complete rule and reign in your life. If you refuse to do this, if you refuse to give God all that you have and all that you are, you are not in submission.

Come back tomorrow when we talk about what true submission might look like, and we'll see you on Sunday!

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