Church Sign

Church Sign

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


I want to broach a subject that many outside of the church feel that we Christians (especially us pastors) are preoccupied with, and that subject is giving. I personally hate to talk about giving, but I also know that it is vitally important if we are going to live lives that honor Christ, because He is One who also gave. So, here it goes:

On Sunday, I hinted at the fact that the Greek word translated "cheerful" in most translations of 2 Corinthians 9:7 is the word "hilaros" from which we get our English word "hilarious." As I thought about this hilarious giving, I wondered what it might look like. It might look like someone paying someone else's utility bill, or putting a tank of gas in someone's car. It might look like covering someone's automotive costs when they really can't afford to have that car fixed. It might look like paying for the person behind you in the fast food drive through. It might look like randomly going into a hardware store and paying for someone's purchase with your own credit card. It might look like organizing a gift shower for Christmas for someone who just lost their job, and making sure that their kids have a great Christmas.

Now you may ask yourself, "Self, how did he come up with these particular examples?" Well, that would be a great question, and in response I will say this...each of these things has happened to me. And I will also say that in each instance, it is caused me to either inside my mind or literally out loud, laugh...a lot! When these things happened to me it caused me to be hysterical and laugh sometimes to the point of tears!

And you know what? God loves that kind of giving! God loves it when we give to the point of making a joke about it. Making it fun to give is a way that we can show God and others how much we love them. So, how is your generosity? I'm not talking about to the church (although, we always welcome your gifts there), but to your neighbors and friends? Don't give til it hurts...give til it tickles!

We'll see you on Sunday!

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