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Thursday, March 2, 2017

Faith Steps

One of my favorite movie scenes of all time is from the film, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Go ahead and take two minutes to watch it below:

What I love about this scene is that it makes quite clear the concept of faith. Sometimes, God asks us to step out even when we don’t see the path lying there underneath us. We think we’re stepping of the cliff to fall to our death, but then God shows up and saves the day.

A number of weeks ago, I was given a copy of the movie Flywheel. This is the first movie produced by the motion picture ministry of Sherwood Pictures, and (to be honest) the production quality isn’t all that great. But the message of the movie is what stands out.

In Flywheel, a used car salesman sees his need for God in his life, and decides to change his ways from a shifty, swindling salesman, to a Christ-honoring businessman with integrity. This leads him to make some pretty bold decisions, and for the sake of not spoiling it for you, I will stop there. But suffice it to say that God shows up in some pretty unique ways when the lead character decides to do what God wants.

In the same way, there are so many things that the Bible asks us to do that we may think is not only out there, but “way” out there. Stuff like loving our enemies, or being kind to those who treat us badly make us feel as if we’re on Candid Camera (if you’re younger than 25, go ask an older person what that is). But the truth of the matter is that when we step out in faith and do those things, God will always (and I do mean always) show up.

So think about what it is that God is asking you to do today. It might be something so out there that you can’t even begin to think about doing it. But let me encourage you to do it…and watch what God does. And when He does it, would you tell us about it in the comments below. Thanks so much!

Think about that today! And God bless you!

1 comment:

  1. Been there, done that, He was there when I thought I couldn't do what He was asking me to do. Had to lean hard on Him.
