Church Sign

Church Sign

Thursday, February 23, 2017

7 Days of Discipleship—Part 6

The topic for today may surprise you. When it comes to discipleship, we focus on the Gospel, we focus on the simplicity, we focus on lifestyle and Christ, but how often do focus on the practical aspects of making a disciple. What do I mean? Read on…

When it comes to reaching out and really having an impact on people, we need to be in proximity to them. In other words, we are not going to disciple anyone if we just spend an hour a week with them. We have to go deeper.

We do this by opening up our lives to others. This is a trait that is most commonly referred to as “hospitality.” Now I know when you hear that word, you think of opening up your home to have people in, get to know them, share a meal, etc. But what I’m referring to is the opening up of our lives to others. Really being willing to have them be a part of everything we do.

How does this look? Well, it could look like going to a ball game with them, or going fishing together, or doing book club, or 4-H, or anything else that is a natural part of our lives. It’s simple, it’s doable, and it doesn’t take any extra effort on our part except for spending the invitation to the person who needs to see Christ in us.

So what do you do that you could include someone else in it? I can’t answer that for you, but when you do answer it, spend some time in prayer and ask God to help know who you can include in your life.

Think about that today! And God bless you!

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