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Church Sign

Friday, February 17, 2017

7 Days on Discipleship—Part 3

One of the most important parts of disciple making is keeping Jesus at the center of it. The reason that this is so important is because when Jesus is not at the center, we tend to become more focused on the results than the relationship.

Let me try and explain it this way: When I am the focus of the discipleship process, then people begin to depend on me for all their answers instead of depending on Jesus. In a sense, I become an idol to those I am discipling…and that’s a bad place to be.

So we have to keep Jesus at the center of everything we do. We’ve talked about this many times…Jesus has to have first place (or the “preeminence”). If He doesn’t, then He’s not what people will see, and people will start worshiping other things rather than God…and that’s not good at all.

How do we keep Christ at the center of everything? It’s a daily discipline (do you see the word “disciple” in that word?) of prayer, reading the Scriptures, and seeing Jesus in all that we do. When that happens, we are able to walk in the ways that God intended us to walk.

We also do it by being intentional about looking for God at work in the world around us. Did you witness a beautiful sunrise this morning? That’s the hand of God! Did you see someone be kind to someone who hurt them? Thanks God at work. Were you able to respond calmly when someone yelled at you? That’s God’s grace in your life. So keep an eye out for those moments…they’re always there. And it will help you keep Christ at the center!

Think about that today! And God bless you!

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