Church Sign

Church Sign

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Good Morning!!!

How many times has this happened to you:

You wake up; you get out of bed, and then head off to the bathroom. Once you get there, you look at yourself in the mirror. There you see one of the most horrifying images that anyone could have stuck on your mirror. You reach out to take it down, but find that what you're actually looking at is your own reflection.

At this point there are a couple of things you can do. Most normal people would take the time to make adjustments to the image they see. They might comb their hair, or wash their face, or even put on make up. But sometimes (and especially if you are a parent) something comes up that takes you away from what you're seeing, and for one reason or another, you forget to go back and take care of that "horrifying image."

I certainly hope that has never happened to you. But there is a very real sense in which many Christians walk around with that "horrifying image" in their lives. This week, we will be looking at the mirror of God's Word and how it is able to help us correct those things in our lives that need to be taken care of. James said in James 1:25 that the Word of God "gives freedom." This is so true because when we allow God's Word to change us, we will be free from sin, free from condemnation, free from regret. God's Word is the mirror that helps us to know how we should "look" in our lives, and when we obey it, it will help us change us from the "horrifying image" to the "beautiful reflection" of Jesus!

Feel free to leave us a message or comment below and we'll see you Sunday!

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