Church Sign

Church Sign

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Deception of the Nation

Today I want to talk about something that is probably going to be a bit controversial. But I feel that it needs to be said. I'm going to post here and I'm also going to be posting this to my Facebook page as well. I feel it is a challenge that everyone needs to here.

Our nation is living in the midst of the greatest deception that we have ever seen...and we have done it to ourselves. I will explain what I mean in a minute, but first I want to lay down some facts.

FACT: The majority of our nation today has denied the existence of absolute truth. We see this in the growing numbers of people who claim that all people who are sincere in what they believe will eventually make it to heaven. We also see this in the number of people willing to take lives for the sake of a "cause" or "principle." We see it in the "decision" of the FBI director to not prosecute individuals who are clearly guilty of breaking the law. In fact, that last one stinks of the basic tenant of relativism, "what is truth for you may not be truth for me."

FACT: The majority of people living in America today would classify themselves as a part of the "Christian religion". This means that most people, when asked what religion they are would identify themselves as Christians, but would most likely be so in name only.

FACT: When people claim to follow Christ (that's what the term "Christian" means..."Little Christ") and then refuse to do what He said to do, they deceive themselves. James 1:22 says, "Do not merely listen to the Word and so deceive yourselves; do what it says." We live in a society that claims to know Christ, but refuses on every hand to obey Him.

Nowhere is this more prevalent than in the church of America. We have been deceived, Church, and it all stems from the fact that we KNOW what God says to do and we REFUSE to do it.

For example, we know that the church is to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the world. But the missions efforts of the church in America are now lagging behind the missions efforts of places like South Korea, Ireland, Malta and Palestine.* We are seeing our country lagging behind because (I believe) we have failed to emphasize from our pulpits the importance of walking in obedience to the Word of God.

We are hearing the Word of God, but we are not doing it. Friends, this needs to change. If we are going to save our nation, we must begin to wake up from the deception that it is okay to simply know what the Bible says, and not necessarily have to do it. If we are going to call ourselves people who know how to live rightly, then we must begin to obey God's Word.

Please feel free to comment below and we'll see you on Sunday!

*This is in terms of number of missionaries sent per 1 million church members.

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