Church Sign

Church Sign

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


At this time of year (Summer), we often have days that are so hot, a tall cool glass of water is exactly what you need. Your throat is so dry you can't hardly swallow, and you would give anything to have some water to drink.

Now imagine for a second that as you look at that glass of water that someone has so graciously poured for you, someone comes along and spits in that glass of water. Are you still going to drink it? Probably not. Or perhaps someone comes up while it is still a drinkable glass of water and takes an eye dropper and fills it with water from a toilet in the high school. Then the come and put just one drop into the glass. Would you drink it then?

I would guess that you wouldn't. Even though it's only one drop of contaminant, you would steer clear of that glass of water...or at the very least, dump it out and try again. Why? Because the water is no longer pure.

We challenged you on Sunday to think about those things in your life that cause your life to be impure. What are those things in your life that allow contaminants into your life? It could be the books you read, the music you listen to, the TV shows or movies you watch. I remember as a young man I would defend my movie choices and say something to the effect of, "There's only a couple of swear words in this movie. I can handle that." But why would I allow into my mind "only a couple" drops of contaminant? God calls me to live a wholly pure life. James said that pure and faultless religion is "keep[ing] oneself form being polluted (or contaminated) by the world." (Emphasis added)

So how are we doing? Are those things that are contaminating an otherwise pure life being rooted out of our daily lives? Or are we compromising in this area, thereby nullifying our religion? I hope that our lives are lived in purity and that the light we shine will be bright!

I hope you have a great Tuesday! Leave a comment, and we will see you on Sunday!

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